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PEN Long Llist Announced

My little book of old Greek epitaphs, Cut These Words Into My Stone, has been long-listed for this year’s PEN Award for Poetry in Translation.

Longlists Announced for the 2014 PEN Literary Awards | PEN American Center

Saturday September 7, 2013: Michael reads and signs from "Cut These Words into My Stone," (Johns Hopkins UP, Winter, 2013). See sidebar for recent reviews.

Tuesday December 4, 2012: At 7:30 p. m. join local poet and author Michael Wolfe at the Gabriella Café for a dinner-table presentation and reading of ancient Greek verse epitaphs in translation, from his forthcoming book, “Cut These Words into My Stone” (Johns Hopkins University Press).
Make reservations for dinner with the author. The presentation will follow.

March 23-26, 2012. Michael Wolfe will give two talks at the British Museum in London, about the pilgrimage to Mecca. www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/hajj.aspx

February 4, 2011: Michael Wolfe speaks at noon about Paul Bowles, Larbi Layachi, and Mohammed Mrabet, in the Cowell College Conference Room, at the University of California at Santa Cruz, as part of a weekend-long centenary event, "Paul Bowles at 100". Other speakers include Millicent Dillon, Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Edmund White, Alan Hibbard, and Jeffrey Miller.
For more information: http://bowles.ihr.ucsc.edu/

July 1, 2011: Michael Wolfe reads from Paradise: Reading Notes, on Sunday, with Dale Herd and Lewis MacAdams, at the Take My Picture Gallery in downtown Los Angeles.